Triage MD

24-hour service line with accessibility to nursing triage and medical evaluation

Triage MD is a Nurse Advice Line (NAL) service, where the patient is connected with a nursing professional, who performs a health assessment and any signs/symptoms that occur. After this process, the patient is provided with the alternative of making a consultation with a doctor (telephone or video-consultation) for an evaluation, diagnosis and medical treatment at the moment.

A service that makes a difference in the lives of patients


of patients changed their intention to attend an ER after evaluation and guidance from our staff

Our nursing professionals use Hippocrates

Hipócrates is a software designed by TeleMedik for the evaluation of symptoms of patients at a distance, through a telephone call or video-consultation.

It combines the clinical experience of a health professional with powerful technology based on algorithmic logic, an aspect that enhances precision and efficiency during the patient triage and evaluation process.

165 algorithms

for symptom assessment.

7-attribute model

Localization or irradiation; Description; Magnitude, intensity or severity; Chronology; setting; Factors that improve or worsen; Social factors.

Home care plans

with recommendations and individualized guidance.

Patient health history

for identification, contact and access to evaluations.

Follow-up calls and alert situations

according to the need of the patient or monitoring of chronic conditions.

How does Triage MD work?

We follow the standards of the American Telemedicine Association

For attention to signs and symptoms such as:

How do we carry out video consultations?

Through the platform…

The system was designed by our team to allow different health professionals to communicate with the patient quickly and easily, and to facilitate access to health services for people with availability.

We connect with the patient easily and simply

Access to the video consultation by URL, without the need to download or register

Quick access with click on patient URL

Entry to the video consultation through a link, without the need to download an application or register on the platform.

Up to 6 guests in the same video consultation

Patients will be able to attend the virtual consultation accompanied by their family members and trusted contacts, in the same way that they do when they go to their face-to-face appointment. In addition, service providers can add other health specialists to the call, even if they are external to the platform.

Email and SMS communications

Our platform sends automatic communications when a virtual appointment is created and/or re-scheduled. The patient immediately receives an SMS or email with the information of the visit, accompanied by a link that allows them to access the video consultation just by clicking on it.

Reporting with daily reports

The schedule management, appointment assignment and patient follow-up reports help make a business much more efficient, also at an economic level. Our platform has a specific section where you can view the general results. You can also segment by appointment status, financial gain, user, and more.

Quality in nursing services

URAC Accreditation - Utilization Review Accreditation Commission

Our nursing line (NAL-Nurse Advice Line) is accredited by URAC. The URAC organization stands out for promoting quality in health care, through accreditation, certification and measurement for all members of the industry.

URAC accreditation is a national symbol of excellence, respected in the healthcare industry and by federal and state government organizations.

Advantages of having accreditation:


Meeting everyone’s needs

Organization Patient Clinical Staff
Reports: pre-intent, post-intent and utilization
Does not require transfers
Eliminate paper documentation
Technical assistance service
Time reduction
Clinical staff trained with the most up-to-date clinical guidelines, for the execution of clinical criteria
Assistance in the training of collaborators
Cost savings
Agile follow-up of cases assisted by other team members
Effective cost
Increased access - available 24/7
Guided process
Digitization of processes
Elimination of risk of contagion
HIPAA Compliance
Security of your information

Our triage process adapts to the needs of different populations

We evaluate your situation and design the most appropriate process for your business. Contact us for more information

We serve all the needs of your organization

Integrating various services to provide holistic care